Introducing The Mångata Ambassadors

At the beginning of April, we made an announcement looking for brand ambassadors. We had some fantastic applicants, however we ended up selecting four stunning ladies. We are so excited to introduce these amazing women who will be representing our brand.

1. Jordan Firman

Mangata Apothecary

This lady is an inspiration. She is a hairstylist, a mom, she is bold, outspoken and not afraid to stand up for everything she believes in. Jordan has a blog where she talks about many interesting topics, reviews of products, and just talks about life in general. Starting now, she will also be representing our brand.

Follow Jordan on Facebook and Instagram and check out her website while you’re at it:




15% off coupon code: jordanfirman

2. Angie Lalonde

Mangata Apothecary

Angie has 10+ years of experience in being a skincare blogger, she is very well versed in CBD skincare and wellness. This badass lady also has her own YouTube channel, website, works full-time, is a mom and so much more. I mean… seriously, what can’t she do? She also has a lot of knowledge in organic and clean wellness. We are so excited for her to join our team of ambassadors.

Follow Angie on Instagram, YouTube and check out her website:




15% off coupon code: whippedgreengirl15

3. Kathleen Cunningham

Mangata Apothecary

Kathleen is a strong momma of 5 amazing kids. She post about her everyday life with her kids and the amazing little moments she experiences with them. She will be representing our brand through her social media. If you guys want to check her out head onto her page and see all the things that make her great!


15% off coupon code: kathleencunning

4. Natasha Vukets

Mangata Apothecary

Natasha is an amazing woman who has a true appreciation for nature and everything it has to offer. She is the mom of a beautiful baby girl, enjoys everything natural, green and clean. In her free time she bakes delicious baked goodies and spends time with her beautiful family. Check out her Instagram and Pinterest:



15% off coupon code: natashavukets
